Position Zero Marketing

Position Zero Marketing

Dec 02, 2022

Position zero often referred to as the “featured snippet” appears at the very top of the search results. It directly answers a query, providing the user with clear information relating to their search.

Position zero appears above all other top-ranking search results, making it the most highly sought-after position for seasoned marketers who understand the incredible impact that being the first result for a highly relevant search brings.

Landing the top-ranked position in search can transform your business virtually overnight.

After all, if you’re the first to appear whenever a prospect enters a highly relevant search term, you’ll drive unlimited targeted traffic to your landing pages and quickly maximize exposure as well as help establish brand expertise.

Position zero simply puts your content ahead of the pack. In addition, securing position zero puts your brand in a very strong position since you’ll be able to provide a clear and definitive answer to a commonly asked question.

Here’s what position zero looks like: