Passive Earnings

Passive Earnings

Sep 18, 2021

There’s nothing better than passive income. With passive income channels, you’re not limited by how much money you can make because it’s not based on the time you put into it. Instead, you build your income channel once and it goes on to make you money for years to come.

Imagine just how much a solid and reliable source of passive income could ultimately change your life. You’d finally be able to live the dream lifestyle where you can enjoy time with friends and family while maintaining a viable and consistent source of income.

How can you start building unstoppable passive income channels? I’ll show you exactly how you can start generating passive income from some of the top hands-free money-making opportunities. These passive income channels are based on proven, working strategies that have been responsible for generating thousands of dollars a month.

Passive Income Channels

Let’s jump right into it by taking a closer look at 2 of the easiest ways of creating passive income online.

1: Membership Sites

Membership sites require monthly updates so how can it truly be a source of passive income? The truth is, you can create all the content upfront and then drip-feed it to your members so that they are given access to new material every 30 days.

Sure, you’ll spend some time upfront getting the membership site ready and creating enough content to sustain members for several months, but once you have laid out the groundwork it can run on almost complete autopilot. Then you can spend whatever time you wish working on new content for a future update.

Membership sites can also be set up where they simply provide access to fresh content on a limited cycle, such as a 6-month membership site that ends with a final update. For example, a subscriber would join and be able to access content from month 1. Perhaps this is a series of eBooks or video training.

The subscriber would then pay for access to the second month’s content. Their member’s area would automatically update to include the next month’s content and so on. By the end of the membership cycle (month 6, for instance), they would pay one final time to receive access to the remaining training tools. Then once that final month has been billed, no further content is provided and billing ends.

There are many ways to create membership sites that can run on autopilot, or that require very little work. It’s entirely up to you how much time you spend on your website and whether you decide to create most content upfront and limit its cycle, or develop a continuity website that needs regular updates.

You can also save yourself time and money by purchasing pre-made membership sites that are ready to go. These require no upfront work whatsoever. Check it out here:

Pre-made membership sites

Regardless of how you decide to structure your membership site, one of the easiest ways to launch a website while ensuring that your content is protected is with Product Dyno.

You can find it here:

Product Dyno works for every type of digital product imaginable. It’s also easy to set up so it protects a single digital product or power up an entire membership site with recurring billing. It’s a flexible yet powerful product that enables you to host all your pages via Product Dyno or use your domain. I highly recommend checking it out if you want to simplify the process and get started quickly.

2: Amazon KDP

One of the easiest ways to generate passive income is by publishing books on Amazon. This is something anyone can do even if you’re not a prolific writer. You can easily outsource a combination of low-content books as well as Kindle-based fiction or nonfiction content and then publish them instantly on Amazon KDP.

Self-publishing is a powerful, yet simple way to start building income on total autopilot. Once you’ve published your books and created an optimized book page that drives in readers, you can virtually set and forget your listings and they’ll continue to generate royalty cheques every single month.

If you aren’t familiar with what low-content books are, think about journals, planners, and organizers. Journals are extremely popular in countless niche markets and very easy to create. You could have hundreds of low-content books published in a matter of days with very few upfront costs involved.

If you’d like to find out about a proven way to create profitable low-content books without lifting a finger, check out where you’ll be able to gain access to a fully-loaded training course that includes all the tools you need to get started.

Regardless of what genre you’re interested in, you can quickly find qualified and seasoned writers on marketplaces like Start by providing writers with a smaller task, perhaps a 5k-word short story to gauge their quality and reliability. If they pass the test, hire them to write longer books.

There are countless tools available to self-published authors that will help them maximize exposure so that they can build a truly passive income channel, but did you know that your Amazon author central page is one of the most valuable marketing tools of all? With an optimized Author Central account, you’ll be able to:

• Track your book sales.
• Read and respond to book reviews.
• Allow readers to follow you on Amazon.
• Add an Editorial Reviews section to your books.

Create Your Author Central Account

Before you can create your Author Central account, you’ll need to have at least one published book on Amazon. Once you do, head on over to to set up your free account.

When it comes to maximizing your income with KDP, you’ll want to publish books frequently so work on creating a team that consists of your writers, an editor, and a cover designer.

If you want to automate the entire process, you could also hire a virtual assistant who will collect the material from the rest of the team and publish your books via your KDP account. Otherwise, once you have a team in place, you’ll be able to continuously publish new stories while spending very little time on your business.

Other than publishing new books and checking your royalty payments, there’s very little to do since Amazon will do a great job at attracting readers and funnelling buyers onto your book pages.

Passive Money Maker

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic passive income opportunity because other than spending a few minutes each week sending out emails to your list, there’s very little else involved.

Of course, you’ll need to build that list first and that’s where the bulk of your time will be spent when just starting. Thankfully there are several easy ways to get started even if you’re a total beginner.

Here are the 3 simple steps to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.

Step 1: List Building
Step 2: Tribe Growth
Step 3: Promote Offers

Let’s take a closer look at each step.

The first step is to start building a list. This is a vital component of affiliate marketing because your list will be your primary source of traffic. It’s also a cost-effective method of marketing to a targeted group of buyers. You’ll never make as much money without a list and you’ll struggle to automate your business without this essential tool.

To begin, you’ll need a mailing list provider. Here are a couple worth looking into:



When it comes to driving traffic to your squeeze page to start building your lists, you can do this in many ways including:

Social Marketing

This includes Facebook ads, boosted posts, Pinterest paid promotions or Instagram ads. Social marketing can be time-consuming and if you haven’t done it before it also carries a bit of a learning curve to figure out the best kinds of ads for each community, as well as how to maximize exposure.

Thankfully, you can easily hire a social media manager on sites like, or hire a virtual assistant who will take care of a variety of tasks for you including updating websites and helping you grow your tribe.

Solo Ads

This essentially involves paying someone to mail their list about your offers to drive traffic to your squeeze page. Solo ads are often a very cost-effective, fast way of building a list.

One of the top providers of solo ads is found at:


You could reach a wide audience of targeted buyers just by creating a high-quality short report on a hot niche market and giving it away through a campaign on

This is one of the easiest ways to build a list at very little cost while simultaneously building a brand. You could also run a similar offer through its competing marketplace of affiliates and buyers at

Step two is growing your tribe of potential buyers. This begins with providing them with an incentive to join your list. You’ll then want to create some sort of lead magnet - a giveaway to entice people to subscribe to your email list - and a squeeze page with your opt-in box that allows people to enter their name and email address to subscribe to your list.

If you aren’t sure how to set up a squeeze page, you can cut out all of the work by signing up for a service such as:

LeadPages at

LeadPages will generate squeeze pages, landing pages, and opt-in forms while providing you with in-depth data regarding your subscription rates and important demographic information. I highly recommend investing in this if you can afford to. It’ll simplify everything.

Apart from LeadPages, we have:

Funnel Builder Software: Best Funnel Builder Software

You’ll also want to make sure to offer an incentive or “subscriber bribe” on your squeeze page. If you’ve never heard of an incentive offer before, it’s a giveaway that entices visitors into subscribing to your list to gain access to more information.

You could offer short reports, or quickly repurpose PLR content from reliable providers like by:

Renaming the product.
Repackaging with various content into one course or bundle.
Proofreading the content.
Adding your content.
Repurposing the content in video or audio format.

As long as what you are offering is relevant to your target market, and is as unique and high quality as possible, your squeeze page should do its job of converting visitors into active subscribers.

One of the easiest ways to start building your list is to purchase pre-created high-quality lead magnets that are designed to attract subscribers.

These done-for-you packages come with everything you need to get started including a responsive squeeze page, 20-25 page report, and even 7-day autoresponder follow-ups that help to nurture your list and build a relationship with your leads.

You can grab your lead magnets here:

Another fantastic resource that handles everything from list building, to lead pages to help you build a profitable funnel that can run on autopilot is Click Funnels. You can find more about that here:

You may want to join a platform that has all the elements of page builder, funnel builder, email autoresponder, calendar, eCommerce, and more. Start with the free offer and then move on from there. Please visit

This platform has all these: Website Builder, Funnel Builder, Blog Platform, E-commerce, Shopping Cart, Membership CMS, Affiliate Program, Email Automation, Webinar Software, Live Streaming, Conference Software, Video Hosting, Help Desk, Booking and Scheduling, Surveys, Social Proof, Funnel Management, and Sales CRM.

Finally, it’s time to make money by promoting high-quality products that you believe your subscribers will appreciate. You can find products on many different marketplaces, but if you’re looking for instant commissions instead of having to wait for payments you’ll want to create accounts at:

Both JVZoo and WarriorPlus provide the opportunity to generate instant payments every time someone purchases through your affiliate link.

Keep in mind that when just starting, if you don’t have a track record of sales, some vendors may choose to hold your commission payments for 30-45 days. Once you start selling and have proven that you’re able to generate sales while keeping refunds down, you’ll find it easier to get approved for instant commissions.

When it comes to maximizing your income with affiliate marketing, the key is to offer a bonus - something extra - that adds instant value to a purchase. That way, subscribers are more likely to purchase through your link than through a competitor who isn’t offering anything more.

In affiliate marketing, the strategy of offering bonuses is used all the time. Affiliates will package up auxiliary components and other tools that are relevant to the products they are promoting, and then present them to potential customers as a way of standing apart from other marketers.

There is no shortage of bonus content and products you can create for virtually any type of affiliate campaign or niche market. Simply find a missing link in the product and create a bonus product around fulfilling that need or extending the value of the product in some way.

Your bonus offer also needs to be exclusive, limited, or both. In many cases, your bonus offer will be the driving force behind whether a potential customer chooses to purchase the product through your affiliate link, or someone else’s.

It’s also very important to use strong ‘urgency motivators’ with every bonus offer. If people feel that there’s no rush, chances are they’ll continue looking around for a better offer, so make sure your bonus stands out.

So, how can you set up and manage bonus offers like this? You could manually set up download pages and track affiliates, or you could make it easier and use a product like that simplifies the entire process.

Not only can you create landing and review pages but you can set up bonus products for just about any type of offer. Plus, they even give you some free bonus packages that you can slap your name on and use immediately.

Here are a few other trusted affiliate networks worth exploring:

Commission Junction (CJ Affiliate) -

Otherwise known as “”, Commission Junction has been around for many years and is known to pay on time and provide unbeatable support. They feature hundreds of merchants across the board and regardless of the niche market or subject you are interested in promoting, they are bound to have a few lucrative choices from within their directory.

Share A Sale -

ShareASale handles all payments on behalf of the merchants and offers thousands of products to promote. It’s a great place to start.

Rakuten Marketing -

Rakuten Marketing is an ever-growing affiliate marketplace and with it, comes a great variety of lucrative and high-paying affiliate opportunities.

ClickBank -

ClickBank is an internet retailer of top-quality lifestyle products, allowing product owners to sell their products & digital marketers to promote them. They’ve been online for more than 18 years.

Amazon Affiliate Program -

The affiliate program is called the “Amazon Associates Program”. Easy to get started, very intuitive, and unlimited products to promote ranging from low-end to very high cost.

Authority Passive Income

There are 2 main steps involved in building an authority niche website:

Create a unique brand. This involves everything from a catchy logo or catchphrase to setting up a blog using WordPress and deciding on your website’s theme and voice.

Create outstanding content. Authority blogs are known for high-quality, informative, and well-written content that is unique and full of thoughtful, useful information.

This means that if you aren’t planning to write the content yourself you’ll want to look for seasoned ghostwriters in your specific niche. That ensures they have experience and first-hand knowledge of the topics.

You always want to write content that does 3 very important things:

Connect with your readers. Your content needs to resonate with your audience so they begin to see you as an authority or expert on the topic. This means that your content needs to be well-researched, actionable, and comprehensive.

Persuades your readers. Your writing needs to motivate them to take action, even if that action simply involves returning to your website again. To persuade readers, you need to earn their trust and convince them, through your content, that you are an expert on the topic.

Excites your readers. Your content should be something your readers want to share with their friends and family. This means that you need to deliver content that is different from other blogs, whether that is by offering a fresh perspective, or simply a unique angle.

Identifying your content’s objective before you start writing is extremely important and will ensure that your material is direct, informative, and hits the target.

Once you know what your objective is, concentrate on conveying your message in a concise, direct manner. Don’t get wordy! Develop content that people will want to share because it speaks to them, communicates a positive message that supports your brand, and demonstrates your knowledge on the topic.

You also want to make sure your content is fully optimized for the search engines so that you’re able to drive targeted traffic to your site automatically.

One of the easiest ways to do that is to incorporate relevant keywords into your content as well as blog titles. is great for finding truly useful keywords. They’ll also show you estimated traffic and competition. -

Inject traffic into your website. You can do this in several ways, including via automated marketing campaigns like Facebook ads.

While there’s a bit of a learning curve involved in creating effective advertising campaigns, if you truly want to minimize how much time you spend on it, you could outsource all the marketing to PR experts.

One fantastic tool that makes it easy to research your competition, pinpoint influential blogs, and reveal their traffic sources is BuzzSumo.

They offer a free version so check it out:

One of the most important decisions you’ll make when building an authority site is deciding on your niche market and the scope of your content. It’s important to narrow down your focus so that you’re able to attract a very specific market and then provide them with the kind of information they’re looking for.

If you attempt to create an authority blog that includes a wide variety of content from several different niche markets, chances are you’ll confuse your visitors and convolute your brand. So, begin by focusing on a single evergreen niche and then expand.

One of the easiest ways to check for the profitability of an information-based niche is to check sites like Amazon for things such as:

  • Books on the topic
  • Magazines on the topic
  • DVDs on the topic
  • Book rankings which will indicate popularity
  • Bestsellers lists

You want to see a lot of different books and products in your chosen category, and then analyze rankings to determine whether they are profitable, as well as how easy it would be for you to break into that market.

Ultimately, the best niches are evergreen niches that already have:

  1. Unlimited products to promote.
  2. High demand and constant growth.
  3. A large, existing customer base.
  4. Lots of existing websites, products, and forums.
  5. And above all else, competition!

It’s always best to focus on a niche that has already proven to be popular and profitable. Don’t be afraid of competition, it’s a sign that the niche is viable and worth pursuing.

When it comes to building your website, the easiest way to get started is by using WordPress. You can install it automatically with most hosting providers. You’ll find tons of great tutorials for building your site at

Building a profitable authority niche site will take time. You’ll want to outsource (or write) enough content to feed your blog for months to come while always optimizing your content for the search engines.

The key to success with authority blogs is to be consistent.

Consider hiring someone to maintain the website by publishing fresh content regularly while responding to comments, updating plugins, and helping to move your site along. It’s well worth it!

Final Words

I hope that this special report has shown you that creating passive income streams isn’t as difficult as you may have thought.

Regardless of your experience or skill, you really can enjoy the kind of flexible lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

While you’ll have to spend some time upfront building your business and launching your offers, with just a few simple steps you’ll be able to set it all on autopilot while you spend your time enjoying life.

If you’re interested in finding other ways to build insanely profitable businesses that are designed to generate passive income for years to come, you’ll want to look at the Passive Income Profits training package.

Passive Income Profits is an exclusive course that takes you behind the scenes and reveals 12 different ways you can create set and forget income. In addition, these modules provide step-by-step instructions so you can get started quickly and easily without ever being left confused or frustrated.

You can find it here:


Here are links to the resources found in this guide.

Passive Income Profits:

Private Label Content For Bonus Offers:

Premade Membership Websites:

Pre-made membership sites

Membership Software / Product Protection:

Product Dyno

Funnel Builder Software:

The Best Way to Build Funnels and Sell Digital Products

Best Funnel Builder Software

Apply AI to Avoid Tedious Marketing Tasks:

Automate your Marketing with the Power of AI