List Building Strategies

List Building Strategies

Sep 18, 2021

A mailing list will always be one of your most valuable business assets. With it, you can connect with your target audience, build brand awareness, tap into hot niche markets, and maximize your income through affiliate marketing and product launches. What you want to do is build a mailing list that is organized and segmented so that you can communicate your message clearly and to the right audience.

I’ll show you exactly how to do that in this report, as well as how to increase opt-in rates as well as open rates so that your emails are seen by thousands of subscribers who will respond to your messages, and buy your products. Are you ready to start building a profitable, laser-targeted mailing list?

Building A Solid Foundation

One of the biggest mistakes that new email marketers often make is pushing every subscriber into the same mailing list funnel. Rather than segment their audience so that each subscriber is sent into a specific mailing list based on their interests, they build massive mailing lists filled with subscribers from all walks of life.

Not only does this make it incredibly difficult to later target subscribers with offers that are tailored around them, but it becomes virtually impossible to personally connect with prospects! Don’t make this mistake. Create the foundation for a profitable mailing list campaign by segmenting your list from the beginning.

Here’s how to do that:

Create multiple email lists within your mailing list account. If you don’t yet have a mailing list provider, you can visit or (two of the most commonly used providers online). Every list you create within your account should have a strong focus on a specific topic.

Add your opt-in code to specific pages on your website rather than the same subscription box on every page. For example, if you own a blog that offers tips and information on writing, you might want to create a mailing list around all the sub-sections of your niche, such as Self-Publishing, Ghostwriting, and Freelance Writing.

Your opt-in box would direct subscribers to a different mailing list based on the page they are reading. That way, subscribers choose for themselves what mailing list best suits them by being able to subscribe to specific offers. Every opt-in page should feature a different incentive offer that speaks directly to your audience and connects with what is most important to them.

Using our earlier example, on a blog for writers, an incentive offer on the “Self-Publishing” blog page might include a free eBook template, while on the “Freelance Writers” page, it could feature a checklist for Freelancers. Subscribers receive the freebie after entering their name and email address and joining your list.

Setting up your website this way makes it easy to segment your audience because you’re putting them in control. Rather than adding every subscriber to one mailing list that ends up difficult to target, you’ll know exactly what your subscriber is most interested in.

If you aren’t sure how to add opt-in boxes to your blog or website, check out where you can create customized opt-in boxes easily. You’ll be able to change the colour and overall appearance as well as when the opt-in form appears. You can even go so far as to have the opt-in code triggered only when someone attempts to exit your page.

Laying The Groundwork

The next step is to create your autoresponder sequence. This is another area that new email marketers often overlook as not being an integral part of their sales funnel. They create their mailing list, generate the opt-in code and place it onto their website to capture leads, but they haven’t done anything on the back end to keep those subscribers.

Don’t make this common mistake. It’s important to open the channel of communication and start a dialogue with your subscribers from the very beginning. Your list will run cold very quickly if you fail to connect with your prospects from the early stages of introducing your brand.

Your autoresponder messages work for you 365 days a year, so if they’re set up correctly, they have the power to keep sales pouring in, even when you’re not at your desk. They’re one of your most valuable assets so don’t overlook the importance of continuously working on extending your autoresponder sequence.

Here’s how to do it:

Create a series of autoresponder messages that are sent in a carefully planned sequence. The first email should go out to your mailing list immediately after they subscribe. This message would contain the download link to the incentive offer featured on the opt-in page that motivated them to sign up in the first place. It should also introduce your brand, and highlight the benefits of staying on your list.

This is called “warming up your list” because initially, your email list is cold. Those people probably don’t know much about you, or what you have to offer. Sure, they subscribed to your list because you offered them a cool incentive that they felt was worthy of their name and email address. But that’s it, that’s all they know about you.

So, your first email warms them up, introduces your brand, and reminds them who you are, and how smart they were to have joined your list because of all the great things you have in store. That’ll build excitement and anticipation, and help to keep them on your list.

The second email could go out the next day, or 2-3 days later. This email should begin to build brand awareness. You don’t want to inundate your subscribers with paid offers just yet. This is the time to build a relationship and trust with your audience. The objective is to become an authority in your market, and for your subscribers to turn to you for advice and guidance on products and services that will help them.

This doesn’t mean that they want to receive advertisements from you just yet, though. You haven’t earned that yet. While other people will argue that rapid-fire advertising campaigns can be effective, it’s always best to provide exceptional value upfront before asking for a commitment to purchase anything through your links. So, consider offering your subscribers an additional incentive for free. The first one got them on your mailing list. The second one will keep them there.

Your third email can be sent within the first 7 days, and here’s where you can begin to start monetizing your list. Start by conditioning your audience to open your emails by combining an equal balance of useful and informative content (that doesn’t sell anything), with paid offers and promotional campaigns.

One thing you will want to do is direct your subscribers to your website or blog whenever you can. Instead of filling up your email with all the information they need, break it down so that your email only features the most important nuggets that’ll capture their attention and motivate them to click your link to find out more.

You can also use your social media accounts to further connect with your audience on a more personal level. Send them links to photos or memes on Instagram and Pinterest that they may find amusing. Don’t be afraid to be personal and be real with them. The more laid-back and genuine you are, the better your subscribers will respond to you - and the more likely they’ll remember your brand.

Make sure to test out your entire sequence by forwarding it to your email address. Read through your autoresponder messages. Proofread, check the links and then continue to build on your back-end autoresponder system by incorporating additional emails into the sequence.

You should spend a few hours a week creating new content for your mailing list. Then, once a month go through your autoresponder campaign to update any older emails or swap out product links for newer offers.

First Impressions

When it comes to incentive offers that will motivate readers and website visitors to become subscribers, you want to be choosy with the kind of content you offer upfront. This initial content introduces your brand. It’s the virtual handshake that thanks someone for giving you a chance, and for sharing their name and email address with you.

This means that you want to pay close attention to the offers you are sending out, and especially to the initial lead-in that you feature on your opt-in pages. Make sure that your giveaway is going to connect with your audience. It should be high-quality content that is both informative and entertaining. It should also be some of the highest-quality content you have to offer.

One easy way of building high-converting lead pages is by purchasing what are often called “lead magnets” from high-quality white-label developers. With a white label (otherwise known as private label or PLR), you can add your name as the author, edit and modify the content to either improve or extend it and wrap your brand around the content by customizing the material with your personal touch.

One of the leaders in high-quality white-label lead magnets can be found at:

With these special, often limited-time offers, you can purchase done-for-you list building kits. These packages include everything you need to start building a list, such as a high-converting squeeze page with carefully handcrafted graphics, a high-quality report that has been written by a seasoned and experienced writer, and a 7-day autoresponder series that you can plug into your mailing list.

Not only do these lead magnets save you a lot of time, but because the content is of such a high calibre, they’ll also make you look good. You know with list building, it’s all about making that positive first impression that will set the standard for what’s to come by being a member of your mailing list.

Launching Your List With The King “Pin”

Once you have your opt-in code embedded into your blog content, or you’ve developed a solid squeeze page that features an incentive offer, your subscription box, and a powerful headline, you’re ready to start driving traffic to your page. There are many ways to jump-start your list-building campaigns, but one of the easiest ways is with Pinterest.

There’s power behind using Pinterest to drive traffic to your landing page. In fact, according to, every pin on Pinterest can drive up to 2 page visits and 6 page views per person. In addition, the life span of a pin is one week, unlike a tweet where the average life span is only 24 minutes!

Here is how I drive traffic to my squeeze pages from Pinterest:

Sign up for a business account on Pinterest at so you’re able to gain access to marketing information, tips, and more. Then, use keywords in your name and bio so that you appear in on-site search queries.

With Pinterest marketing, you should always use a dedicated landing page. You should use multiple landing pages with the same opt-in form and incentive offer. That way you can create tailored Pinterest squeeze pages that connect with your visitors and give them exactly what they’re looking for.

Also, make sure your landing page has a very clear focus. If a visitor lands on your page and doesn’t understand what you’re offering, they’ll leave before ever subscribing to your list.

Create pins for your lead magnet and direct people to your landing page where they can download your incentive offer. Use eye-catching graphics that attract attention. Then, pin your lead magnet and direct people to your page!

Don’t just stop at one lead magnet. Create multiple versions of your page so that you can pin it throughout the Pinterest community. If you purchase a package of Lead Magnets from a provider such as, you’ll be able to do this easily without having to write any of your content.

You should also join Pinterest groups to maximize exposure and connect with your target audience. You can easily find relevant groups by searching Another great strategy is to apply what is called “Rich Pins”. These are pins that provide additional information directly on a hook. They are available in four different types: app, recipe, article, and product.

You can apply at:

When it comes to creating successful pins that will generate traffic to your landing or squeeze page, you want to aim for high engagement. This means that your pins should always be descriptive and interesting. Make sure you provide enough information to motivate a pinner to click through to your squeeze page. You also want to include a call-to-action in every pin’s description that directs pinners on what to do (for example: “Click to find out more”, or “Click here to visit”.)

A clear call to action can generate up to a 90% increase in engagement. Finally, you should consider adding text to your pin to provide even more information. Use SEO keywords in your descriptions so that you can target people who would be interested in what you have to offer. You can also use relevant hashtags in your pin’s description.

The Power of Giveaways

One of the easiest ways to jumpstart your list building is by setting up a giveaway that will attract your ideal subscribers. Those are people who are interested in a specific niche market. Giveaways are used by countless online businesses to generate fresh leads, connect with prospects and get people excited about offers. You can use this same strategy to launch your list-building campaign and fill your mailing list with fresh, targeted subscribers!

Setting up a giveaway, or reward-style campaign is easy. All you need is:

  • A prize or incentive offer
  • A platform that manages the giveaway

Giveaways are powerful marketing tools because they not only generate a quick influx of traffic to your website but if you set up a giveaway on a reward-based platform where people are given extra tokens, credits, or tickets whenever they share it with others, you have a strong chance of going viral.

When that happens, you’ll not only be able to build insanely large lists of active subscribers, but you’ll position your brand in front of thousands of people quickly and easily!

PerkZilla, a powerful reward-based platform, is one of a few programs that offer the ability to connect with some of the most popular mailing list service providers, including GetResponse, AWeber, and even MailChimp.

You can check it out at

PerkZilla makes it exceptionally easy to build a mailing list because every person who is referred to your campaign is automatically added to the mailing list of your choosing!


Start by building mailing lists that are segmented and organized. Create a series of opt-in pages that offer high-quality incentive offers that will appeal to a specific segment of your audience.

Then, spend some time working on your autoresponder sequence so that you are actively communicating with your audience from the beginning. Don’t overlook the power in this. Your mailing list funnel can ultimately help you maximize your income quickly, and if you spend time setting up a full-scale autoresponder campaign, you’ll be able to automate this process.

Move on to purchasing high-quality lead magnets so that you can extend your outreach by building additional landing pages that feature informative content in the form of short reports or articles.

And when you’re ready, start promoting your squeeze pages on Pinterest by connecting with your target audience. Set up a giveaway or reward-based offer and drive fresh, quality traffic to your website. Take it one step at a time, but work consistently.


Here are links to the resources found in this guide:

Lead Magnets

Purchase done-for-you lead magnets that include everything you need to start building mailing lists!

Mailing List Providers: &

Affordable monthly plans based on the number of subscribers you have - reliable, trustworthy autoresponder service providers with an excellent track record for high delivery rates.

Pinterest Guides:

Helps you learn more about effective pinning and includes analytics and optimization tips.


Discover the easiest way to drive massive traffic, grow a huge list and maximize profits with Perkzilla.

Funnel Builder Software:

The Best Way to Build Funnels and Sell Digital Products

Best Funnel Builder Software

Apply AI to Avoid Tedious Marketing Tasks:

Automate your Marketing with the Power of AI